All contents are copyright © Akane Ogura

Apr 5, 2011

"My own Theme"

4月1日から10日まで、神楽坂パルスギャラリーで"My own Theme"というグループ展に参加しています。もしよかったら覗いてみてください。残念ながら、私はニューヨークにいて会場に行く事が出来ないので、どんな様子だったか聞かせていただけると嬉しいです。

I have a painting in the group show called "My own Theme" at Kagurazaka Pulse Gallery, Tokyo on April 1st to 10th. Please visit if you are around Tokyo! That will be nice if you could tell me how is the show like since I'm in New York and not be able to visit the show. I wish I could go beck to Japan!

神楽坂 パルスギャラリー

Kagurazaka Pulse Gallery
2-21 Kagurazaka Shinjyuku, Tokyo

tel: 03-3260-1349
Sun 11AM-5PM


ancolie said...

I went to visit the Pulse Gallery
in Kagurazaka. Cherry blossom was very beautiful in Tokyo.
I found your painting was so nice,
the colors are beautiful and rich in atomosphere.

Akane Ogura said...

Thank you for visiting the show at Pulse Gallery and sending a pictures!!