All contents are copyright © Akane Ogura

Oct 1, 2010

A great artist gives me encouragement.

I went to Bil Donovan's lecture at Society of Illustrator. It was about the new book he wrote, called "Advanced Fashion Drawing". I was truly truly impressed by his lecture. He talked about some of the captures of the book and his passion for works. Everything that I was thinking and wondering for my art were actually in his talking. More importantly, I was really happy to actually know the presence of someone who could share the same perspective and passion of the illustration. That is something I was missing. It was very encouraging to myself and made me so happy for my decision of moving to New York.
Tonight I felt so deeply that I needed to come to New York. I was meant to come to New York.


Bil Donovan said...

Thank You Akane.

I had hoped that this book would not only provide valuable information, but that it would inspire those who share my passion.

You made my day...

pom pom said...

aww!! i really wanted to go to this! :D

I think all of us who are here from other places were meant to be here :)

Akane Ogura said...

Pom pom,
Yeah, that's how I felt that day.
I need to keep reminding that everyday so I can appreciate being here everyday:)